Changes in the 2024 Ranked System and the Return of 2v2v2v2

2 min read

The League of Legends community is buzzing with excitement as Riot Games has announced significant changes to the ranked system for the 2024 season. The changes include the return of the popular 2v2v2v2 Arena mode, alterations to the preseason, and a new three-split system. Let's delve into the details.

Return of 2v2v2v2 Arena Mode

The 2v2v2v2 Arena mode, which was initially introduced as a limited-time mode, has been a hit among players. Riot Games has decided to bring it back in December 2023, allowing players to once again engage in fast-paced battles.

Eliminating the Preseason

Riot Games has observed that the preseason often becomes a period of inactivity for many players, as it lacks the competitive edge. To address this, the developers have decided to introduce preseason changes on November 11, 2023, on the PBE (Public Beta Environment). These changes will go live on all servers in early January 2024.

Three Splits Instead of Two

One of the most significant changes is the introduction of a three-split system instead of the current two-split system. The first 2024 ranked season will kick off on January 1, 2024, followed by the second in May and the third in September. This change aims to keep players engaged throughout the year, offering three opportunities to earn free Victorious skins.

Riot's Ultimate Goal

Riot Games aims to keep players glued to their screens every day of the year. The changes are designed to make ranked games more appealing, especially when there are stakes involved.

Further Reading

For those interested in more details, Riot Games has released an official post outlining all the changes. It's advisable to study these changes now to avoid surprises when the next year rolls around.


The upcoming changes to the League of Legends ranked system are set to revamp the competitive landscape. With the return of the 2v2v2v2 Arena mode and the elimination of the preseason, Riot Games is taking steps to make the ranked experience more engaging and rewarding for players.