Decoding Valorant’s New Patch: Changes and Implications

4 min read

Before jumping into Valorant, there's always going to be some required reading. For example, without knowing and meeting the minimum system requirements to play the game, you may find yourself missing the mark and being unable to enjoy the experience altogether.

Similarly, as Riot Games continues to try to keep things both balanced and fresh, you'll be getting patches from time to time, and understanding how they change the game’s offerings and dynamics is non-negotiable unless you don't like winning.

Previous Patch Recap

While we are on patch 7.01, we can't ignore all the changes that patch 6.11 brought to the table. There were agent updates, such as better warning visuals making it easier to understand when Breach’s ultimate will hit you, Or Viper’s reduced fuel regeneration per second.

Pearl got updated, with its B-site being revamped, as the belief was that holding it as a defender was more difficult than it was intended to be.

The Shorty undeniably demonstrated its reliability, but overreliance and easy accessibility concerns saw nerfs to its damage and reserve ammo. Its price was even doubled to make players think before making the purchase.

Of course, there were also some bug fixes, such as Killjoy’s utility not fading back into stealth after disabled state recovery or the HUD overlap when switching agents in the shooting range.

A New Face

Of course, the main event here is the addition of Deadlock, a new Sentinel. The Norwegian operative uses cutting-edge nanowires to ensure that you have security from even the most lethal assault.

Her special abilities include the Sonic Sensor to provide noise detection, Barrier Mesh preventing character movement, GravNet grenade that causes enemies to crouch and move slowly, and of course, Annihilation, which, when fired, will release a nanowire pulse, capturing the first enemy it makes contact with.

Upon capture, that enemy will be cocooned and reeled along a nanowire path. It's possible to be freed from this since the nanowire cocoon is destructible, but if that enemy is not freed and reaches the end of the path, it’s an automatic death.

Agent Changes

There were a few notable changes to agents, which were focused on bugs with their abilities. For example, Chamber’s Rendezvous can now interrupt the teleport, so long as you get Suppressed mid-animation. When Reyna healed from Devour, there was previously a frame rate decrease, which has now been addressed.

Cypher’s Spycam was previously placeable on Lotus' rotating doors, but that is no longer the case. Additionally, sometimes, you'd find that a single button press would lead to Sage’s barrier orb rotating multiple times.

These and other agent changes have been put into play.


There's a lot to take in on the progression system side of things. For example, the daily rewards feature was introduced to recognize your in-game engagement. Once you play matches on a given day, you will see Checkpoints Track progress, which eventually yields XP and Kingdom credits, the new in-game currency.

The introduction of the currency means that you have a few new options, such as your agent-themed gear now being available for purchase with them. Another example is the fact that you can use them to purchase accessories from previous battle passes, such as gun bundles, sprays, titles, and player cards.

Team Deathmatch

Another highlight of the new patch is the introduction of the Team Deathmatch mode, complete with three new custom maps, Piazza, District, and Kasbah. For each match played, 1,000 XP will be granted.

This is a 5V5 mode allowing your team to go up against a team of opponents in four timed stages with no econ. You'll be responding every 1.5 seconds, and the first team to get to 100 kills will win the match.

Matches will run for 9 minutes and 30 seconds, which are split into four stages. Should the time elapse before a team can reach 100 kills, whichever team is in the lead will be declared the winner.

You're allowed to choose your weapon loadout at the start of each match or whenever you're in the spawn room. When your abilities are depleted, they will recharge over time. Note, however, that the recharge time will depend on the specific ability.

Death will lead to respawning in your team's spawn room, and you'll be given a buff protecting you from abilities and damage for 15 seconds. You can be damaged in spawn thereafter, so you'll want to move quickly!

Wrapping Up

That's going to be it for the patch coverage today. What do these changes mean for your ranking strategies and gameplay style? Will you be taking on the Team Deathmatch mode? As always, have fun!