Wild Rift 2023: Tips for Efficient Levelling and Winning Games

4 min read

If you love Wild Rift but need more of a challenge, then ranked games are the way to go. Playing in ranked games can feel pretty intimidating- and you need to put in a bit of work to qualify- but the payoff is eternal glory and superiority (if you can win, of course).

As it stands, you need to hit level 10 to qualify for ranked matches in Wild Rift- and once you get there, it is going to take a fair bit of skill if you want to dominate and climb the ranks.

Here are five top tips for leveling quickly and winning your games in Wild Rift in 2023.

Complete the Challenges

One of the fastest ways to earn experience, increase your ranking, gain bonuses, and move through the levels is to complete as many challenges as possible. There are new challenges available every day for every player- completing them all helps you charge through the lower levels and get the rankings you need to be competitive in your matches.

You can also complete weekly challenges, and there are often special bonus challenges available for additional gains. These are especially important when you first begin playing Wild Rift, as they increase your levels and teach you valuable skills and tips that will come in handy when things get competitive.

Don’t forget to claim your rewards and refresh the challenge sheet to stay up-to-date with any new offers.

Optimize Your Settings

The next important tip everyone should take on board is managing your settings to make your life easier. Don’t create an uphill battle for yourself through something as simple as turning settings on or off- you can bet that the best players certainly won’t!

There are a few settings worth changing (get more details here), but the most important ones are:

  • Turn off notifications and invites during gameplay.
  • Make sure you have your microphone on so you can communicate with teammates.
  • Edit the controls to lock onto your character’s movement.
  • Set up your aiming controls to what works most comfortably for you.

These are basic changes that make gameplay infinitely easier- and will ultimately help you win more matches and increase your ranking.

Make the Most of Ranked Fortitude

Your Ranked Marks help you follow your progress up and down throughout your Wild Rift experience. The higher your ranking, the more opportunities you have, and the better your chances are of winning.

You increase your Ranked Marks by winning matches, but you can also lose them if you suffer a defeat in certain games. One way to protect yourself from losing Ranked Marks is by achieving Ranked Fortitude.

This is essentially a reward for consistency. If you play well, hold onto winning streaks, and manage to carry a team despite underperforming teammates- your ranking is protected. Do everything you can to secure this for yourself- and don’t make any moves that could risk you losing it. You can lose it by quitting mid-game or suffering consecutive losses.

It is also good to understand how the ranking work and who can play with who- as it puts you in a better position to play with friends and create a better team.

Pick the Right Characters

Just as players are unique, the characters in Wild Rift gameplay are not the same- and picking the right one that suits your gaming style is going to have a massive impact on how effectively you level up and how easily you can win.

There are plenty of insightful character guides available online from experienced gamers- and the characters in Wild Rift are pretty similar to League of Legends.

You can buy many characters through the in-game store, and some are rewarded for completing challenges.

Get to Know the Tier List

Adding to the previous point, the character tier list is an invaluable tool for helping you optimize your chances of winning at certain levels.

There are four tiers for each lane and role in the game:

  • S: The most versatile and powerful character or characters in that lane.
  • A: A strong second choice to the S-tier characters but with less utility.
  • B: They won’t carry the game- but they can be useful for certain objectives.
  • C: Helpful in some team combos, but not the overall best choice for the lane.

Check out the complete 2023 tier list for Wild Rift for more insight.


Efficient leveling and more wins come with training, practice, and making smart choices. These five tips can help to get you started!